Elect Rosanne Frieri

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Welcome To My Campaign
It's The Right Thing To Do
Straight Talk
2nd Berkshire District
Berkshire District Contests
Where To Find Rosanne
Event Photos
Veterans' Service Officer Pittsfield MA
Welcoming Our Troops -- "Here At Home"
Air National Guard
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Friends Listen To Friends
It Is As True In Politics As It Is In Other Matters


There is only so much time, money, resources, and energy in campaigning for any office. 
The Second Berkshire District is geographically the LARGEST State Representative District in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  To effectively communicate within this vast district, while maintaining my Veterans Service Officer postion with the City of Pittsfield and my Reserve and Active Duty requirements with the Air National Guard (which will cease when elected), I need to "network" through contacts who respect your opinion of me.  Therefore, I appreciate any of your efforts to "tell a friend." 
Additionally, in passing your recommendation along, if your contact would like to speak to be directly, I will communicate with them in the manner which they desire.

Thank You For Your Help

