Elect Rosanne Frieri

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Veterans' Service Officer Pittsfield MA
Welcoming Our Troops -- "Here At Home"
Air National Guard
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Breaking Barriers
A Compassionate Conservative In Western Massachusetts
Is The Right Choice!
The thunderous "boom" in breaking the sound barrier is caused by compressed pressure of sound waves released once the jet flies faster than the waves themselves.
In representative government, the thunderous "boom" is caused by compressed pressure from voters who are not being heard, and call for a change that has yet to be answered.




I am listening and I will answer the call for change.
Western Massachusetts is populated by some of the most rugged, self-reliant people in the country.  For generations, their families have worked farms and small businesses, neither of which are easy lives.  At the same time, where real needs exist, they have always been there to help neighbors... whether to give advice, share equipment, lend a hand, offer a resources, or just provide charitable services.
To me, this describes the values for which I have stood and lived by my entire life.  I am a Compassionate Conservative ready to serve as your voice from Western Massachusetts.

                                                                       Dan Burns Photo
It Is Time To Work As A Team!